Naomi is not available

Luxury latin escort in red lingerie for GFE at the brothel Felina Valencia

Latin escort for erotic massages

Schedule: Day,NightAge: 30 years old
Nationality: LatinLanguages: Spanish
Measures: 90x60x90Weight: 52 kg
Height: 168 cmHair: Black
Breast: Operated
Escort girlsErotic massagesStripteaseHotel Outcall


Hi there! Need to release the pressure and take some time for yourself? For that, I invite you to come and visit me at the brothel Felina Valencia. I will take care of you and make you forget all the frustration and worries you may have. 

My name is Naomi, I am 30 years old and I am a beautiful, elegant, and very well educated Latin escort. Although I offer companionship services, I am often asked for my erotic massages. By my side, you can indulge in the pleasure of my caresses and kisses. Let my expert hands roam all over your body to give you maximum pleasure. Although I know what men like, do not hesitate to tell me all your desires, without embarrassment, so that I can offer you a service that meets your expectations. I like to add my personal touch to make your experience even more satisfying.

If you would like to live an intense and exciting adventure with me, contact Felina Valencia to find out about my availability and to make an appointment. You can enjoy my services at Felina, as well as in the comfort of your own home.

I look forward to hearing from you. Kisses.

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Sex club and luxury escorts in Valencia
Felina Valencia
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Naturalista Rafael Cisternas Street, 6B
46010 Valencia

+34 961 053 154+34 677 000 222+34 664 651 468 (Whatsapp)

Line 5 & 7 - Aragon Station.

10, 12, 32, 71, 80 and N1.

Parking close.

A 10-minute taxi ride from downtown Valencia. Beware of taxi drivers. Some of them may try to take you another brothel or club in lieu of a commission. Kindly remember that our brothel is never closed.